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How to make a backup in my WordPress website

Making regular backups on your website is essential. People often skip this step, except when they face the need of it. Lucky for us, there are plugins that help you do that with ease. Here you will learn how to make a backup for your website! I get asked a lot of times if there is a easy way to make a backup update from wordpress websites. The answer is YES! To perform a backup you need to keep in mind that are several plugins out there. Here in this tutorial I’m focusing on the free features of UpdraftPlus, nonetheless there are other plugins out there that can be equally great but for the same features might require a fee. UpdraftPlus has a paid version that makes your life way easier since it backups every time you update, stores the backups in your cloud services and more other features that make you stress free in backups. And you know your website is always safe. However, if you are just starting out and your budget is low, you require some extra steps but you can perform a good backup pipeline ! Tutorial 1. Access to your WordPress panel 2. Search for UpdraftPlus Install > Activate On your left panel, you’ll see that it’s now available the option “UpdraftPlus” , select Settings You can make a backup in your website right away — It will take some minutes You can schedule your backup for the frequency that best suits you UpdraftPlus does what I consider the essential for a backup plugin. We will start by Installing the plugin How frequent should I make backups? How frequent you should perform the backup really depends on the usage and purpose of your website. Ideally you should backup your website EVERYDAY.. however unless you hire a maintenance plan, it is hard to manage a business and dedicate the daily amount of time a website needs. So, in these cases I strongly recommend you the following: Blog – Consider the frequency of your posts . Ideally you should backup every one or two posts. Website – The backup should be as frequent as the frequency you make changes in your website. Shop – If you don’t want to lose product reviews, new clients information and so on, you should really commit to make backups everyday. Still not convinced that you should backup you website frequently? Check the article “Why do I need to backup regularly?”

How to make a backup in my WordPress website SEE POST

Making regular backups on your website is essential. People often skip this step, except when they face the need of it. Lucky for us, there are plugins that help you do that with ease. Here you will learn how to make a backup for your website! I get asked a lot of times if there is a easy way to make a backup update from wordpress websites. The answer is YES! To perform a backup you need to keep in mind that are several plugins out there. Here in this tutorial I’m focusing on the free features of UpdraftPlus, nonetheless there are other plugins out there that can be equally great but for the same features might require a fee. UpdraftPlus has a paid version that makes your life way easier since it backups every time you update, stores the backups in your cloud services and more other features that make you stress free in backups. And you know your website is always safe. However, if you are just starting out and your budget is low, you require some extra steps but you can perform a good backup pipeline ! Tutorial 1. Access to your WordPress panel 2. Search for UpdraftPlus Install > Activate On your left panel, you’ll see that it’s now available the option “UpdraftPlus” , select Settings You can make a backup in your website right away — It will take some minutes You can schedule your backup for the frequency that best suits you UpdraftPlus does what I consider the essential for a backup plugin. We will start by Installing the plugin How frequent should I make backups? How frequent you should perform the backup really depends on the usage and purpose of your website. Ideally you should backup your website EVERYDAY.. however unless you hire a maintenance plan, it is hard to manage a business and dedicate the daily amount of time a website needs. So, in these cases I strongly recommend you the following: Blog – Consider the frequency of your posts . Ideally you should backup every one or two posts. Website – The backup should be as frequent as the frequency you make changes in your website. Shop – If you don’t want to lose product reviews, new clients information and so on, you should really commit to make backups everyday. Still not convinced that you should backup you website frequently? Check the article “Why do I need to backup regularly?”

why are website backups important

Why are Website backups important?

The real question is : Why are backups important? Backups in general prevent us from different kinds of dangers. If we have documents that we value in our computer and if our computer is stolen, we lose everything. On the other hand, if we have a backup of these documents, even though we lose our computer, we preserve at least a recent version of it. Similarly, backups in Websites are essential when we care about the time we dedicate to it Backup importance in Media In March 2021, the French company OVH, who is a specialized data center company to customers worldwide, faced a large fire that destroyed one of its data centers. According to DataCenterKnowledge article : “Many customers of OVH, the largest Europe-native cloud provider, complained on Twitter about downed websites and applications hosted at the campus in Eastern France. Some appeared to not have disaster recovery plans or backup sites.” This means that a lot of people lost their work. If they did not have a plan B(ackup), they might have lost the work of months or years within seconds. Backups in Websites If you have a website, a simple update can ruin your website. It might be harder to detect the problem than to recover from the last saved version. That’s why it is important to back For best results, backup copies are made on a consistent, regular basis to minimize the amount data lost between backups. The more time passes between backup copies, the more potential for data loss when recovering from a backup. Retaining multiple copies of data provides the insurance and flexibility to restore to a point in time not affected by data corruption or malicious attacks. To be safer, backups should be regular. To avoid these and other troubles, prevent the situations and make regular backups. If you have a WordPress Website, make sure you follow the step by step tutorial

Why are Website backups important? SEE POST

The real question is : Why are backups important? Backups in general prevent us from different kinds of dangers. If we have documents that we value in our computer and if our computer is stolen, we lose everything. On the other hand, if we have a backup of these documents, even though we lose our computer, we preserve at least a recent version of it. Similarly, backups in Websites are essential when we care about the time we dedicate to it Backup importance in Media In March 2021, the French company OVH, who is a specialized data center company to customers worldwide, faced a large fire that destroyed one of its data centers. According to DataCenterKnowledge article : “Many customers of OVH, the largest Europe-native cloud provider, complained on Twitter about downed websites and applications hosted at the campus in Eastern France. Some appeared to not have disaster recovery plans or backup sites.” This means that a lot of people lost their work. If they did not have a plan B(ackup), they might have lost the work of months or years within seconds. Backups in Websites If you have a website, a simple update can ruin your website. It might be harder to detect the problem than to recover from the last saved version. That’s why it is important to back For best results, backup copies are made on a consistent, regular basis to minimize the amount data lost between backups. The more time passes between backup copies, the more potential for data loss when recovering from a backup. Retaining multiple copies of data provides the insurance and flexibility to restore to a point in time not affected by data corruption or malicious attacks. To be safer, backups should be regular. To avoid these and other troubles, prevent the situations and make regular backups. If you have a WordPress Website, make sure you follow the step by step tutorial