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How to choose a good domain

“How to choose a good domain name?” that’s the first question clients ask me when they want a website. Well , when the business already exists , its important to keep the name! That’s it! But if the name is not available, that’s when the struggle starts.. 3 top things you should keep in mind Keep it short and sweet Well you don’t want your business to be confused with anything else right? Keep it easy to remember and to write. The perfect domain name would have your business in the domain name . But sometimes this is not possible. Whether is unavailable or is tooooo long. And we don’t want that! Remember your audience’s memory? Yes.. Keep it short! 2-3 words would be the ideal! Imagine you have a coaching business named CoachingEmpire . Well.. CoachingEmpire.com is taken. You might be tempted to use some derivations such as: thecoachingempire.com acoachingempire.com coaching–empire.com yourcoachingempire.com That’s what all the other experts tell you to do, right? Well, the problem is that nowadays, people’s minds are full of stresses and people are overwhelmed with so much information. A lot of things to memorize and you only get a few seconds to tell someone about your brand new website. What do you think will happen? I think you know it! After a long day of work and chores and kids and stuff, people sit on their computer at night and what will they do? Remember that little twist you made to your website? No ! They’ll just type “CoachingEmpire.com” and they will probably land in your adversary website. What to do? Oh well Liliana , but that’s my business name, What should I do? How can I choose a good domain name? Well, I don’t know if you ever face this problem but when I needed to renovate my house, I had a lot of furniture to mix. One thing I decided is to not make the attempt to have all the furniture with the same wood tone. I preferred to assume the difference rather than attempt to have everything in the same tone. That’s the same with domains! Do try to keep everything neat! If your business’s name is occupied, keep in mind that this is already a huge RED FLAG! You can try to make a twist that will less likely make clients land in other business’s website but it will be hard to thrive If it’s a brand new business, you should definitely think about renaming it and do some research on a new brand. If your business is now becoming digital. You should really give it a thought! Is good for searches? How likely is your business to show up when I google for your services? If your domain contains a keyword that is related to your audience, that would benefit you a lot!!! Imagine your domain is only your name. Well, its good because its related to you, but unless you already have a large audience, its really unlikely people type “coaching” and google and you appear in the first page . Because your domain name has nothing to do with coaching. ( of course you can work on your website to rank better in Google ) Your business – if you already have a business name. Try to use it as a domain. Quite frequently the domains are occupied, specially the .com extensions. Using your business as a domain name gives you more flexibility and more privacy. Your name – As I mentioned previously your name can be a good choice of domain if you’re building a personal brand or if you are a freelancer and you might have more chances to have you name available as a domain name. Ultimately, whether or not to use you own name as a domain depends on your individual goals and circumstances. Consider not only SEO but also your branding, privacy and long-term goals when making is decision How to buy a domain? Purchasing a domain is also a thing to consider because there are a lot of providers but you want to guarantee that you go with one that values your privacy. To do this, make sure you go with a reputable company! They normally provide easy domain management tools. For .com domains I always mention the best quality/price deal at Namecheap! Already decided your domain name? Check it’s availability here and buy it fast ! If you use the code NEWCOM598 to get your .com domain for only 5.98$ But if you are already interested in moving forward with your website ( and not only saving your domain name! ) . You might find interesting packages where hosting and domain are from the same provider. If you are DIYing your website, this might be the best option for you because it makes things easier to setup. In this cases I always recommend my clients Hostinger ! They make good prices and they have everything I consider essential if you have a small business!

How to choose a good domain SEE POST

“How to choose a good domain name?” that’s the first question clients ask me when they want a website. Well , when the business already exists , its important to keep the name! That’s it! But if the name is not available, that’s when the struggle starts.. 3 top things you should keep in mind Keep it short and sweet Well you don’t want your business to be confused with anything else right? Keep it easy to remember and to write. The perfect domain name would have your business in the domain name . But sometimes this is not possible. Whether is unavailable or is tooooo long. And we don’t want that! Remember your audience’s memory? Yes.. Keep it short! 2-3 words would be the ideal! Imagine you have a coaching business named CoachingEmpire . Well.. CoachingEmpire.com is taken. You might be tempted to use some derivations such as: thecoachingempire.com acoachingempire.com coaching–empire.com yourcoachingempire.com That’s what all the other experts tell you to do, right? Well, the problem is that nowadays, people’s minds are full of stresses and people are overwhelmed with so much information. A lot of things to memorize and you only get a few seconds to tell someone about your brand new website. What do you think will happen? I think you know it! After a long day of work and chores and kids and stuff, people sit on their computer at night and what will they do? Remember that little twist you made to your website? No ! They’ll just type “CoachingEmpire.com” and they will probably land in your adversary website. What to do? Oh well Liliana , but that’s my business name, What should I do? How can I choose a good domain name? Well, I don’t know if you ever face this problem but when I needed to renovate my house, I had a lot of furniture to mix. One thing I decided is to not make the attempt to have all the furniture with the same wood tone. I preferred to assume the difference rather than attempt to have everything in the same tone. That’s the same with domains! Do try to keep everything neat! If your business’s name is occupied, keep in mind that this is already a huge RED FLAG! You can try to make a twist that will less likely make clients land in other business’s website but it will be hard to thrive If it’s a brand new business, you should definitely think about renaming it and do some research on a new brand. If your business is now becoming digital. You should really give it a thought! Is good for searches? How likely is your business to show up when I google for your services? If your domain contains a keyword that is related to your audience, that would benefit you a lot!!! Imagine your domain is only your name. Well, its good because its related to you, but unless you already have a large audience, its really unlikely people type “coaching” and google and you appear in the first page . Because your domain name has nothing to do with coaching. ( of course you can work on your website to rank better in Google ) Your business – if you already have a business name. Try to use it as a domain. Quite frequently the domains are occupied, specially the .com extensions. Using your business as a domain name gives you more flexibility and more privacy. Your name – As I mentioned previously your name can be a good choice of domain if you’re building a personal brand or if you are a freelancer and you might have more chances to have you name available as a domain name. Ultimately, whether or not to use you own name as a domain depends on your individual goals and circumstances. Consider not only SEO but also your branding, privacy and long-term goals when making is decision How to buy a domain? Purchasing a domain is also a thing to consider because there are a lot of providers but you want to guarantee that you go with one that values your privacy. To do this, make sure you go with a reputable company! They normally provide easy domain management tools. For .com domains I always mention the best quality/price deal at Namecheap! Already decided your domain name? Check it’s availability here and buy it fast ! If you use the code NEWCOM598 to get your .com domain for only 5.98$ But if you are already interested in moving forward with your website ( and not only saving your domain name! ) . You might find interesting packages where hosting and domain are from the same provider. If you are DIYing your website, this might be the best option for you because it makes things easier to setup. In this cases I always recommend my clients Hostinger ! They make good prices and they have everything I consider essential if you have a small business!

Cria uma palavra-passe forte

Como aumentar a segurança com uma palavra-passe forte

Nos dias de hoje é cada vez mais importante prestar atenção à segurança online! Hackers atacam todos os tipos de plataforma, todos os dias e a todas as horas e os websites não são exceção. É por isso que é importante dificultar-lhes o acesso e uma forma de o fazer é através do uso de uma palavra-passe forte. Já sei o que estás a pensar… sim sim.. mas como é que eu memorizo tantas palavras-passe para tantas plataformas diferentes?… Já estive ai e já tive dificuldade em memorizar tantas palavras-passes… muitas vezes acaba por adicionar números aleatórios no fim da palavra-passe “eleita”… mas acaba sempre por não conseguir memorizar e tinha de recorrer inúmeras vezes ao “Esqueceu a sua palavra-passe?”. Depois de tantos anos e de tantas estratégias que ouvi, fiz uma combinação de passos que me tem vindo a ajudar a mim e aos meus clientes a terem palavras-passe mais fortes ( e memoráveis ) Aumenta a segurança da tua informação pessoal através de uma palavra-passe forte. Segue estes simples passos: Deves começar por escolher uma frase. Quanto maior a frase, melhor. Mas mantém-na simples se te sentires mais confortável com isso. A frase perfeita deve ter palavras com letras maiúsculas e minúsculas, números e caracteres especiais ( ! , ? , * , … ) Exemplo: Liliana Adora Manter Segurança Online desde 2015! Escolhe as primeiras letras de cada palavra, neste exemplo: L A M S O d Concatena as letras com os números e caracteres especiais LAMSod2015! Em apenas 3 passos, acabaste de criar uma palavra-passe FORTE. No entanto, se usares a mesma para todas as plataformas e uma delas tiver uma quebra na segurança, estarás exposto(a) na mesma a perigos… É por isso que precisas de uma passo extra. Imaginemos que estás a criar uma conta no Instagram e defines a palavra-passe ( forte e memorável!), agora só precisas de fazer uma ligeira melhoria à tua palavra-passe (aka frase) Por exemplo: Liliana Adora Manter Segurança Online no Instagram desde 2015! ; Ou no Facebook : Liliana Adora Manter Segurança Online no Facebook desde 2015! . Agora tens duas palavras-passe fortes, uma para o Instagram LAMSOnIGd2015! e outra para o Facebook LAMSOnFBd2015! Se ainda assim não estás convencido(a) com esta estratégia. Eu recomendo vivamente que não relaxes neste assunto e encontres uma solução que te mantenha confortável e seguro(a). Confere a abordagem 1Password que te poderá ajudar a manter as tuas palavras-passe fortes. Diz-me nos comentário se conhecias estes truques e/ou se tens alguns truques para partilhar! 🙂

Como aumentar a segurança com uma palavra-passe forte SEE POST

Nos dias de hoje é cada vez mais importante prestar atenção à segurança online! Hackers atacam todos os tipos de plataforma, todos os dias e a todas as horas e os websites não são exceção. É por isso que é importante dificultar-lhes o acesso e uma forma de o fazer é através do uso de uma palavra-passe forte. Já sei o que estás a pensar… sim sim.. mas como é que eu memorizo tantas palavras-passe para tantas plataformas diferentes?… Já estive ai e já tive dificuldade em memorizar tantas palavras-passes… muitas vezes acaba por adicionar números aleatórios no fim da palavra-passe “eleita”… mas acaba sempre por não conseguir memorizar e tinha de recorrer inúmeras vezes ao “Esqueceu a sua palavra-passe?”. Depois de tantos anos e de tantas estratégias que ouvi, fiz uma combinação de passos que me tem vindo a ajudar a mim e aos meus clientes a terem palavras-passe mais fortes ( e memoráveis ) Aumenta a segurança da tua informação pessoal através de uma palavra-passe forte. Segue estes simples passos: Deves começar por escolher uma frase. Quanto maior a frase, melhor. Mas mantém-na simples se te sentires mais confortável com isso. A frase perfeita deve ter palavras com letras maiúsculas e minúsculas, números e caracteres especiais ( ! , ? , * , … ) Exemplo: Liliana Adora Manter Segurança Online desde 2015! Escolhe as primeiras letras de cada palavra, neste exemplo: L A M S O d Concatena as letras com os números e caracteres especiais LAMSod2015! Em apenas 3 passos, acabaste de criar uma palavra-passe FORTE. No entanto, se usares a mesma para todas as plataformas e uma delas tiver uma quebra na segurança, estarás exposto(a) na mesma a perigos… É por isso que precisas de uma passo extra. Imaginemos que estás a criar uma conta no Instagram e defines a palavra-passe ( forte e memorável!), agora só precisas de fazer uma ligeira melhoria à tua palavra-passe (aka frase) Por exemplo: Liliana Adora Manter Segurança Online no Instagram desde 2015! ; Ou no Facebook : Liliana Adora Manter Segurança Online no Facebook desde 2015! . Agora tens duas palavras-passe fortes, uma para o Instagram LAMSOnIGd2015! e outra para o Facebook LAMSOnFBd2015! Se ainda assim não estás convencido(a) com esta estratégia. Eu recomendo vivamente que não relaxes neste assunto e encontres uma solução que te mantenha confortável e seguro(a). Confere a abordagem 1Password que te poderá ajudar a manter as tuas palavras-passe fortes. Diz-me nos comentário se conhecias estes truques e/ou se tens alguns truques para partilhar! 🙂

Create a strong password

How to increase security with a strong password

Nowadays it is extremely important to pay attention to cyber security! Hackers attack all kind of platforms everyday and websites are no exception. That’s why it’s so important to increase the difficult for them to access, one way is through the use of a strong password. I know what you are thinking… yeah yeah.. but how will I memorize so many different passwords for so many different platforms?… I have been there and I struggled with so many different passwords.. sometimes only adding random numbers and choosing “Forgot your password?” innumerous times. I came up with a strategy that have been helping me and my clients to have strong (and memorable) passwords Increase the safety of your personal information by building a strong password. Follow these simple steps: If you still are not convinced with this strategy. I strongly suggest you to not relax on this matter and to find a solution that keeps you confortable. Check 1Password approach that might help you keep your passwords strong. Let me know in the comments if you knew these tricks and if you have some of your own ! 🙂

How to increase security with a strong password SEE POST

Nowadays it is extremely important to pay attention to cyber security! Hackers attack all kind of platforms everyday and websites are no exception. That’s why it’s so important to increase the difficult for them to access, one way is through the use of a strong password. I know what you are thinking… yeah yeah.. but how will I memorize so many different passwords for so many different platforms?… I have been there and I struggled with so many different passwords.. sometimes only adding random numbers and choosing “Forgot your password?” innumerous times. I came up with a strategy that have been helping me and my clients to have strong (and memorable) passwords Increase the safety of your personal information by building a strong password. Follow these simple steps: If you still are not convinced with this strategy. I strongly suggest you to not relax on this matter and to find a solution that keeps you confortable. Check 1Password approach that might help you keep your passwords strong. Let me know in the comments if you knew these tricks and if you have some of your own ! 🙂

How to make a backup in my WordPress website

Making regular backups on your website is essential. People often skip this step, except when they face the need of it. Lucky for us, there are plugins that help you do that with ease. Here you will learn how to make a backup for your website! I get asked a lot of times if there is a easy way to make a backup update from wordpress websites. The answer is YES! To perform a backup you need to keep in mind that are several plugins out there. Here in this tutorial I’m focusing on the free features of UpdraftPlus, nonetheless there are other plugins out there that can be equally great but for the same features might require a fee. UpdraftPlus has a paid version that makes your life way easier since it backups every time you update, stores the backups in your cloud services and more other features that make you stress free in backups. And you know your website is always safe. However, if you are just starting out and your budget is low, you require some extra steps but you can perform a good backup pipeline ! Tutorial 1. Access to your WordPress panel 2. Search for UpdraftPlus Install > Activate On your left panel, you’ll see that it’s now available the option “UpdraftPlus” , select Settings You can make a backup in your website right away — It will take some minutes You can schedule your backup for the frequency that best suits you UpdraftPlus does what I consider the essential for a backup plugin. We will start by Installing the plugin How frequent should I make backups? How frequent you should perform the backup really depends on the usage and purpose of your website. Ideally you should backup your website EVERYDAY.. however unless you hire a maintenance plan, it is hard to manage a business and dedicate the daily amount of time a website needs. So, in these cases I strongly recommend you the following: Blog – Consider the frequency of your posts . Ideally you should backup every one or two posts. Website – The backup should be as frequent as the frequency you make changes in your website. Shop – If you don’t want to lose product reviews, new clients information and so on, you should really commit to make backups everyday. Still not convinced that you should backup you website frequently? Check the article “Why do I need to backup regularly?”

How to make a backup in my WordPress website SEE POST

Making regular backups on your website is essential. People often skip this step, except when they face the need of it. Lucky for us, there are plugins that help you do that with ease. Here you will learn how to make a backup for your website! I get asked a lot of times if there is a easy way to make a backup update from wordpress websites. The answer is YES! To perform a backup you need to keep in mind that are several plugins out there. Here in this tutorial I’m focusing on the free features of UpdraftPlus, nonetheless there are other plugins out there that can be equally great but for the same features might require a fee. UpdraftPlus has a paid version that makes your life way easier since it backups every time you update, stores the backups in your cloud services and more other features that make you stress free in backups. And you know your website is always safe. However, if you are just starting out and your budget is low, you require some extra steps but you can perform a good backup pipeline ! Tutorial 1. Access to your WordPress panel 2. Search for UpdraftPlus Install > Activate On your left panel, you’ll see that it’s now available the option “UpdraftPlus” , select Settings You can make a backup in your website right away — It will take some minutes You can schedule your backup for the frequency that best suits you UpdraftPlus does what I consider the essential for a backup plugin. We will start by Installing the plugin How frequent should I make backups? How frequent you should perform the backup really depends on the usage and purpose of your website. Ideally you should backup your website EVERYDAY.. however unless you hire a maintenance plan, it is hard to manage a business and dedicate the daily amount of time a website needs. So, in these cases I strongly recommend you the following: Blog – Consider the frequency of your posts . Ideally you should backup every one or two posts. Website – The backup should be as frequent as the frequency you make changes in your website. Shop – If you don’t want to lose product reviews, new clients information and so on, you should really commit to make backups everyday. Still not convinced that you should backup you website frequently? Check the article “Why do I need to backup regularly?”

why are website backups important

Why are Website backups important?

The real question is : Why are backups important? Backups in general prevent us from different kinds of dangers. If we have documents that we value in our computer and if our computer is stolen, we lose everything. On the other hand, if we have a backup of these documents, even though we lose our computer, we preserve at least a recent version of it. Similarly, backups in Websites are essential when we care about the time we dedicate to it Backup importance in Media In March 2021, the French company OVH, who is a specialized data center company to customers worldwide, faced a large fire that destroyed one of its data centers. According to DataCenterKnowledge article : “Many customers of OVH, the largest Europe-native cloud provider, complained on Twitter about downed websites and applications hosted at the campus in Eastern France. Some appeared to not have disaster recovery plans or backup sites.” This means that a lot of people lost their work. If they did not have a plan B(ackup), they might have lost the work of months or years within seconds. Backups in Websites If you have a website, a simple update can ruin your website. It might be harder to detect the problem than to recover from the last saved version. That’s why it is important to back For best results, backup copies are made on a consistent, regular basis to minimize the amount data lost between backups. The more time passes between backup copies, the more potential for data loss when recovering from a backup. Retaining multiple copies of data provides the insurance and flexibility to restore to a point in time not affected by data corruption or malicious attacks. To be safer, backups should be regular. To avoid these and other troubles, prevent the situations and make regular backups. If you have a WordPress Website, make sure you follow the step by step tutorial

Why are Website backups important? SEE POST

The real question is : Why are backups important? Backups in general prevent us from different kinds of dangers. If we have documents that we value in our computer and if our computer is stolen, we lose everything. On the other hand, if we have a backup of these documents, even though we lose our computer, we preserve at least a recent version of it. Similarly, backups in Websites are essential when we care about the time we dedicate to it Backup importance in Media In March 2021, the French company OVH, who is a specialized data center company to customers worldwide, faced a large fire that destroyed one of its data centers. According to DataCenterKnowledge article : “Many customers of OVH, the largest Europe-native cloud provider, complained on Twitter about downed websites and applications hosted at the campus in Eastern France. Some appeared to not have disaster recovery plans or backup sites.” This means that a lot of people lost their work. If they did not have a plan B(ackup), they might have lost the work of months or years within seconds. Backups in Websites If you have a website, a simple update can ruin your website. It might be harder to detect the problem than to recover from the last saved version. That’s why it is important to back For best results, backup copies are made on a consistent, regular basis to minimize the amount data lost between backups. The more time passes between backup copies, the more potential for data loss when recovering from a backup. Retaining multiple copies of data provides the insurance and flexibility to restore to a point in time not affected by data corruption or malicious attacks. To be safer, backups should be regular. To avoid these and other troubles, prevent the situations and make regular backups. If you have a WordPress Website, make sure you follow the step by step tutorial